Friday 25 June 2010

Creative cottage challenege # 17 - Teri's pick

Good morning to you all - I hope the weather is good where you are x
As it's Wednesday it's time for another Creative cottage challenge card and this week it is the lovely Teri's turn to pick what the challenege should be.
She wants you to create a "summer surprise" so come on lets see your summery creations.
This week I have used the "home sweet home" kit available here. Aren't the colours soo yummy - I imediately thought of ice cream - mmmmmmmmmmm strawberry and vanilla.

My image is from Creations by Penny and I coloured it with my watercolour pencils - I like the textured look they give - think it makes it look less flat (do you know what I mean ?)
My Pearls were once again coloured with my copics to make them match perfectly - the 2 small pearls on the sentiment strap were coloured with my copic spica (glitter ones !)

My sentiment is from my Kelly Panacci birthday set and the chipboard quote is from an old set - think it was K & Co, the ribbon is from a reel of Anita's everyday ribbon x

I hope you like my card and that you will pop over and check out the other DT creations - you will not be disapointed.
I hope to be popping over to your blogs to see what you've created too x

I have also entered this card into the following challeneges :

Creative Card Crew - Want an easel card.
((hugs)) Suzie xx


Berry said...

This is so yummy Suzie, that is one of my fave kits to use love the colours! Hugs Rebekah x

Poppit said...

Super sweet Suzie! You're so good at those easel cards. Perfect taste of summer to go with our week of British sun!

Tracy said...

love this card its so yummy, perfect for the challenge. hugs Tracy x