Wednesday 1 September 2010

Creative cottage challenge - Celebrations

Hello to you and thanks for popping in today.

Well this week at the creative cottage challenge blog it is the uber talented Rebekah's turn to choose the challenge and she chose "celebrations" as our theme.
A great challenge as you can adapt this to most themes so I hope you'll join in with us and let us see what you are celebrating x

I have continued with my christmas cards and made a simple card with the Christmas magic kit available here. This is a great kit with beautiful papers and some gorgeous toppers and images too and as a bonus it's on special offer at the mo - just £1.50 what a bargain !

My cute ribbon came off a pair of pyjama's I recieved last christmas - I just couldn't throw it away !

Hope you like it, thanks for looking x
(Sorry for the quick post today - I'm preparing for Issac's 1st day at school tomorrow - I'll hopefully be back tomorrow with another card I'm currently working on x)

((hugs)) Suzie xx


Berry said...

Gorgeous card! Great recycling of that ribbon! Thanks for your kind comments about me being talented! ;) Good luck with Isaacs first day at school! My girls are in school tomorrow too but it's Caleb's first day at nursery on monday! Hugs Rebekah xx

Tracy said...

this is great Suzie love the ribbon.
Hope Issac has a great first day at school, its matthew's on Monday, I'm more nervous than him lol. Tracy x

Marjo said...

Hi Suzie,

Wonderful celebrations card, love the perfect bow!

Hugs, Marjo